Marina Weckend


Findings of my doctoral research of physiological plateaus during childbirth will be presented in June 2023 at the International Confederation of Midwives Triennial Congress in Bali and in September 2023 at the Australian College of Midwives National Conference in Adelaide.

Stay tuned via ResearchGateLinkedIn and Twitter.


What happens if labour slows down? This recorded presentation at the Normal Labour and Birth Conference introduces the meaning of physiological plateaus in the current culture of linear labour progression, and highlights the significance of promoting healthy childbirth.

selection of past presentations

Physiological plateaus during normal labour and birth: Mapping the evidence. Australian College of Midwives National Conference, Sydney (virtual), Australia. 

This Pecha Kucha presentation provided an introduction to the notion of physiological plateaus versus a paradigm of linear labour progression and hightlighted the significance of plateaus for healthy childbirth.

Physiological plateaus during normal labour and birth: Exploring the evidence. Promoting Normal Birth Conference. 27 Nov 2021, Melbourne (virtual), Australia.

This presentation provided an overview of evidence about physiological plateaus, illustrated varying concepts and terminology and aimed to stimulate debate about healthy labour patterns.

Training for paramedics: pregnancy, birth and childbed. Malteser paramedics training. 03 Nov 2016, Celle, Germany

This training covered physiological changes during pregnancy, birth, and childbed; common emergencies; and practical training for the event of childbirth in an ambulance.

Pregnancy and birth in Germany. Intercultural Family Health Day. 04 Mar 2017, Celle, Germany

In close collaboration with interpreters, this workshop provided orientation for women with a recent background of migration, helping to navigate the maternity care system and support services in Germany.

Midwifery care for refugee women and their families. 29th Symposium of the network Women/Girls and Health in Lower Saxony. 31 May 2016, Oldenburg, Germany

This presentation offered insights into common challenges for women and families who experienced forced displacement, and provided practical advice to improve health care accessibility, acceptability, and equity.

Breastfeeding in a cultural context. Interdisciplinary conference: Breastfeeding - the best start into life. 05 Oct 2016, Osnabrück, Germany

This presentation covered challenges which women may face during the breastfeeding period, and how cultural values and everyday issues can affect breastfeeding uptake, success, response to challenges and overall breastfeeding duration.

Preliminary cross-country analysis and country specific analysis. Contribution to symposium: The Babies Born Better Survey. 10th Normal Labour and Birth Conference. (Downe, S, Gross MM, Weckend MJ, Balaam M-C) 15-17 Jun 2015, Grange over Sands, UK

In this symposium,the scope and potential of the Babies Born Better project was introdcued, including project management, international collaboration and early results.

The Babies Born Better Project: A European survey on maternity care. German Midwifery Congress. (Weckend MJ, Downe S, Balaam MC, Lengler L & Gross MM). 03 May 2016, Hamburg, Germany

The Babies Born Better Project is a multinational survey of women's experiences of childbirth, where this presentation offered insights into results from the German language part of the survey, and povisional insights from other countries.

Looking for a guest speaker?

I enjoy presenting and engaging with others on women's health and midwifery topics. If you are looking for a presenter for your event, please feel welcome to contact me. I have expertise in the area of childbirth, but I am comfortable to talk about a range of midwifery related topics, for example maternity care for vulnerable populations, health equity, human rights in childbirth, obstetric violence, and other. You can scroll down to see what kind of invited presentations I have prepared in the past. Presentations are always customised and I am experienced in adapting to an academic or lay audience with adjusted language and content. Please send me a request with your requirements, ideally including details about the scope of your event, estimated size and type of audience. You can rest assured that I will only agree to presentations where I have sufficient expertise in your required topic area, to ensure a high quality of your event.