I love teaching, in all the forms it comes. Whether delivering small group sessions, lecturing full auditoriums, supporting students one-to-one or conducting simulation training, I enjoy supporting students on their individual learning journeys. Teaching is always reciprocal and for every opportunity that I have to teach, I gain the privilege to learn from my students, to see the world with fresh eyes and to look at things from a different perspective.
Investing in midwifery students is an investment in the future, making the world a better place for all women, children and families.

Postgraduate teaching
research & midwifery
I am involved in postgraduate teaching since 2015. Recently, I have worked as a peer-to-peer research adviser at Edith Cowan University in Western Australia, supporting Doctoral and Masters students on a one-to-one basis, and delivering small-group training sessions. Previously, I have designed and delivered a unit within the European MSc Midwifery Programme at Hannover Medical School in Germany. Currently, I support postgraduate students via one-to-one supervision agreements.
- Advanced practice midwifery
- Synthesising evidence
- Research project management
- Systematic literature reviews
- Writing for publication
- Science communication
undergraduate teaching
midwifery practice
Since 2011, I have been involved in teaching midwifery students in theory and practice, leading up to midwifery registration. I worked as a mentor, supporting skills development across various practice settings and as a lecturer, teaching theoretical knowledge across all years of undergraduate education. I covered a range of areas, including basic health science like anatomy and physiology, specific midwifery skills such as antenatal care, and the ‘bigger picture’ of midwifery, including professional identity, health politics, ethics and more.
- Pregnancy and antenatal care
- Childbirth and intrapartum care
- Managing emergencies in midwifery
- Societal, legal and ethical dimensions
- Respectful communication
- Midwifery politics & developments
course admin
In my past role as the head of a direct-entry midwifery school in Germany, I gained experience with the administrative side of education. In this role, I was responsible for all stages of program delivery, from curriculum design, through managing teaching content and practical placements, planning assessments and exams and recruiting students and staff. I also collaborated closely with a wide range of organisations, including our affiliated University of Applied Sciences, School Boards, other midwifery schools and the German Midwifery Association, to enhance midwifery education across Germany.
Curriculum design and delivery
Program coordination
Exams and assessments
Quality management
Student and staff recruitment
customised training
Are you looking for a customised training package for your organisation? I enjoy designing and delivering customised trainings in a variety of formats. For example, in the past, I have delivered a training for first responders, covering common emergencies during pregnancy and childbed and how to support women in the rare event of birthing in an ambulance. I also regularly deliver small-group sessions for research students. Whether face-to-face or online, I place great importance on adapting teaching content to individual needs and on providing an enjoyable training experience.
Evidence based midwifery
Promoting healthy childbirth
Best practice in maternity care
Health care for recently migrated women & families
Research skills (for example, literature reviewing, project management, software for data analysis and visualisation)